Enhancing Vehicle Inspection with Modern Technology: Police and ATC Collaboration

 Enhancing Vehicle Inspection with Modern Technology: Police and ATC Collaboration

The Police Traffic Department, in partnership with the Arusha Technical College (ATC), has initiated training for vehicle inspectors and road safety commanders from across the country to introduce electronic vehicle inspections starting this year.

 Ramadhani Ng’anzi, Commander of the Traffic Department commended ATC for its modern vehicle inspection equipment and skilled trainers, pledging to send officers for training to bolster the number of vehicle inspectors within the force.

During a two-day training attended by over 100 participants aimed at enhancing police officers' skills in safeguarding road users, particularly motorists, Professor Musa Chacha, the Head of ATC, emphasized the goal of increasing expertise in vehicle inspection for safer travels.

Prof. Chacha lauded ATC's superior training facilities compared to other technical and driving schools in the country, stressing the importance of equipping participants with modern technology skills to effectively fulfill their duties.

Commander Ng’anzi expressed gratitude for the comprehensive two-day training, stating that participants gained significant insights into various issues that will enhance their professionalism at work.

He also acknowledged ATC's significant progress in modern teaching methods and its plans to develop new vehicle technology knowledge.

Director of Road Transport Control from LATRA, Johansen Kahatano, praised ATC's dedication to providing training, particularly in road safety matters, emphasizing the importance of increased professionalism, especially in vehicle inspections.

Participant of the training, Solomon Mwangamilo, RTO Kinondoni, mentioned that the training has equipped them sufficiently to conduct vehicle inspections more professionally compared to the past, where inspections were solely visual.

Deus Sokoni, SSP explained that participants learned about various government payment systems electronically, including the GePG, and modern driver school registration systems in Tanzania. They also learned about electronic accident data collection and modern vehicle inspection techniques.

In addition to ATC trainers, experts from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology Tanzania (IHET), ICT professionals from the Treasury, and ICT experts from the police headquarters delivered lectures during the training.


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