Coffee exports from  East Africa to the European Union (EU) have more than doubled in four years, thanks to an agribusiness project supported by the latter.

The exports of the bean hit record volumes earning the bloc 1.1 billion Euros last year more than double from 488 million Euros in 2018.

Earnings from avocado exports from the East African Community (EAC) partner states went up to 112.4 million Euros in 2022 from 85.5 million Euros in 2018.

This was revealed in Arusha on Tuesday this week during the launching of the second phase of the EU-supported Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARK-UP).

The project, to be executed in the next four years, will be implemented at the cost of 40million Euros and is follow up to the first phase (2018-2022) for which the EU granted 40 million Euros.  

Both phases of the multi-million Euro undertaking are being implemented by the EU,the EAC and the International Trade Centre (ITC), according to Ms Pamela Coke-Hamilton, ITC executive director.

“Our joint efforts to strengthen the region’s agricultural and horticultural sectors will help small businesses become more competitive on the international stage and help deliver on sustainable development priorities for the region and the continent,” she said. 

Additionally, 37,819 small and medium enterprises were reached in this first phase and were empowered to become more competitive on the international market.

In phase one, more than 115 companies achieved a collective $16 million in sales and exports, said a statement from the EAC secretariat.

MARK-UP I also helped draw in $1 million in investment for over 70 small businesses. Over 40 business support organizations shared that their work became more effective through their involvement in the programme. 

Launching the second phase project extension at an Arusha hotel, the EAC secretary general Peter Mathuki said it will unlock the full potential of agribusinesses within the EAC.

Its implementation will  strengthen EAC’s small businesses through enhanced regional and international trade in close partnership with the East African Business Council (EABC).

The new phase, Dr. Mathuki explained, will focus on EAC priority sectors including avocado, cocoa, coffee, essential oils and  French beans.

Other products expected to undergo value addition and processing are gum arabic, horticulture, leather, packaging, spices, and tea – "with an emphasis on diversification, investment, and export linkages."

According to the EAC secretariat, crucial to the success of MARK- UP II will be the continued inclusion of women and youth in trade. 

A regional Steering Committee chaired by the EAC Secretariat, with representation from relevant national ministries, will provide overall direction for the programme. 

On coffee, one of the leading export crops from the EAC, Dr. Mathuki said it has benefited from the project through improved coffee processing and coffee cupping certifications.

On the other hand, tea has benefited from MARK-UP through resource efficiency and circular production in the tea sector in the region.

About 700 enterprises, specifically MSMEs in the region, were supported through MARK-UP I to improve their business operations and exports.

International transactions worth more than $10 million were generated and MSMEs accessed finances worth $ 9 million, he explained.

Ms Christine Grau, EU Ambassador to Tanzania and the EAC said MARK-UP II demonstrates the EU’s commitment to supporting EA companies, fostering sustainable growth, and creating decent job opportunities. 




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