EU-EAC Regional Conference: Pioneering Digital Transformation in East Africa


The East African Community (EAC) and the European Union (EU) have inaugurated the 1st EU-EAC Regional Conference on Digital Transformation in the East African Community, hosted in Arusha, Tanzania. Both entities have pledged to drive a human-centric digital revolution in East Africa, leveraging digital technologies and innovations to advance regional integration.

The two-day conference, organized by the Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, has brought together key stakeholders from the EAC region and European partners. This collaborative endeavor aims to evaluate the current status of digital transformation in the region and explore prospects through the "Team Europe" initiative, involving the EU and its Member States. Notable attendees include representatives from the EAC Secretariat and other EAC Institutions, ICT Ministries of EAC Partner States, the EU Delegation to Tanzania and the EAC, as well as EU Member States.

The D4D Hub serves as a crucial tool for the EU and its Member States to bolster transformative projects across the African continent, aligning with the ambitious objectives of the Global Gateway strategy. The strategy seeks to mobilize EUR 300 billion in investments to enhance intelligent, clean, and secure digital, energy, and transport connections and reinforce health, education, and research systems worldwide.

The conference identifies seven strategic areas of engagement, aligning with the priorities of the 6th EAC Development Strategy, which is focused on expediting digital transformation in East Africa. These areas encompass connectivity, data governance, e-governance/cybersecurity, e-commerce, information communication telecommunication regulations, digital innovation, and digital skills.

Based on these areas of engagement, a joint roadmap has been crafted to guide cooperation between the EAC and Team Europe. Short-term actions include proposing mechanisms to enhance the data economy across borders, benchmarking and project development of green and secure data centers (data governance), establishing comprehensive electronic cross-border health services (e-governance/cybersecurity), and developing systems to facilitate a cross-border e-payment system (e-commerce).

Additionally, the conference gains significant importance with the concurrent launch of the Digital Economy Package by the EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, scheduled for Nairobi on October 5, 2025. This event underscores the EU's commitment to digital transformation in East Africa, reaffirming its dedication to fostering innovation and connectivity within the region.

Hon. (Dr.) Peter Mutuku Mathuki, the EAC Secretary General, officially opened the conference, expressing the EAC's keen interest in establishing a unified regional Digital Market, comprising an online market, a data market, and a connectivity market. Dr. Mathuki emphasized that achieving this vision necessitates digitalization in various sectors and integration platforms.

He hailed the European Union as a long-standing strategic partner of the EAC and reiterated the EAC's primary goal of developing a regional digital market for digital trade in East Africa. This initiative is pivotal for the region's development and the effective implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Dr. Mathuki emphasized the need for political agreements and fair platforms for an interoperable regional digital market and harmonization of regulations and capacity building for data governance and AI standards.

H.E. Christine Grau, the EU Ambassador to Tanzania, underscored Team Europe's determination to support the digital transformation of East Africa and global partners. She believes that by collaborating, they can harness the potential of digitalization to address challenges, create opportunities, and build a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Amb. Grau highlighted the European Commission's Digital4Development (D4D) approach, recognizing the potential of digital technologies and services as powerful enablers for sustainable inclusive development and growth worldwide.

“Our goal is to maximize the impact of digitalization as a driver for social and economic growth while working towards the achievement of the SDGs in our partner countries,” said the EU envoy.

“The Global Gateway program, launched in 2023, demonstrates our commitment to this approach. Through "Team Europe" initiatives between EU institutions and Member States, we aim to mobilize up to EUR 300 billion in investments in digital infrastructure, climate and energy, transport, health, education, and research. Within this framework, the D4D Hub plays a crucial role, focusing on the digital pillar of the Global Gateway strategy,” she added.

On behalf of Smart Africa, CEO Lacine Koné highlighted SMART Africa as a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socio-economic development on the continent, ushering East Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to broadband and the usage of Information and Communications Technologies.


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