CHADEMA Supporters Stage Peaceful Demonstrations in Dar es Salaam Amidst Rising Tensions

CHADEMA Chairman, Freeman Mbowe handing over an official letter outlining the protest message to the representative of the United Nations Secretary-General during the peaceful demonstrations

Leaders, supporters, and members of the Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) party turned out in large numbers today, Wednesday, January 24, 2024, to participate in Peaceful Demonstrations in various areas of Dar es Salaam.

On January 13, 204, CHADEMA Chairman Freeman Mbowe announced the staging of these demonstrations, stating that the goal is to protest against electoral legislation bills presented in parliament.

These bills include the Presidential, Parliamentary, and Local Authorities Elections Act, as well as the Political Parties (Amendment) Act of 2023.

Another objective of the protests is to pressure the government to heed the public's opinions and call for the creation of an emergency plan to address the rising cost of living and inflation in Tanzania.

Protesters appeared carrying banners and singing various songs, while police forces strengthened security in these areas.

Earlier, the Regional Commissioner of Dar es Salaam, Albert Chalamila, met with CHADEMA supporters and members, conveying blessings for the demonstrations, claiming they are in line with President Samia Suluhu Hassan's wishes. 

He urged CHADEMA supporters to continue demonstrating and convey their message while emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace.

Additionally, the Police Commander of the Dar es Salaam Special Zone, SACP Jumanne Muliro, held a meeting with the demonstrators.


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