Outcry Over Expulsion of Journalists in Tanzania

 Outcry Over Expulsion of Journalists in Tanzania


In a recent development, the Union of Tanzanian Press Clubs (UTPC) and the Journalists and Media Workers Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA) have vehemently condemned the expulsion of seven journalists from the Simiyu region during a district advisory meeting in Bariadi. The expulsion, orchestrated by the District Commissioner, Simon Simalenga, took place in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology, Engineer Andrea Kundo.

This act, described as an assault on press freedom and a violation of the rights of journalists, has sparked outrage among media organizations in Tanzania. 

Not only does it undermine the constitutional guarantees of freedom of the press, particularly enshrined in Article 18 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, but it also represents a blatant disregard for the principles of good governance and the public's right to access information concerning government activities.

UTPC and JOWUTA assert that such actions not only stifle the vital role of journalists in informing the public but also hinder the efforts of President Samia Suluhu Hassan to ensure that the media operates freely without interference. 

Journalists play a crucial role in educating society and providing accurate information to enable citizens to make informed decisions for their development

The organizations call upon relevant authorities to respect and uphold the rights of journalists to carry out their duties without fear, harassment, or intimidation. They emphasize that press freedom is a cornerstone of any democracy and good governance. 

Therefore, they urge all stakeholders, including media institutions, government officials, civil society organizations, and the public at large, to unite in condemning such violations and safeguarding the freedom of the press in Tanzania.

Issued by the leadership of the Union of Tanzanian Press Clubs (UTPC) and Musa Juma, the Chairperson of the Journalists and Media Workers Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA).


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