SUMA-JKT Arrives in Handeni to Commence Construction of 5000 House


A total of 6,000 youth from the Suma JKT, a branch of the Tanzanian People's Defense Force, have begun arriving in Handeni district, Tanga region, to initiate the construction of 5,000 houses in the village of Msomera.

Speaking about the arrival of these youth in Handeni, the Chief of the National Service, Major General Rajabu Mabele, stated that their primary task is to construct these houses. Already, 500 youth have reported for duty, with more continuing to join the project.

He mentioned that they have already received funds from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority for the construction of these houses. The construction period will be six months, starting from October 2023 and ending in March 2024.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, General Venance Mabeyo, urged the relevant ministries to expedite infrastructure development in the project area of Msomera, enabling the participants to commence their work.

The District Commissioner of Handeni, Albert Msando, stated that they plan to closely oversee the construction to ensure timely progress and to mitigate weather-related challenges, especially during the rainy season, which might affect the transportation of construction materials.

A total of 97 billion Tanzanian shillings are expected to be utilized in the construction of these 5000 houses, for the citizens voluntarily relocating from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

This initiative demonstrates the commitment of the Tanzanian government to provide adequate housing and improve living conditions for its citizens


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