The East African Community (EAC) has been challenged to tap the full potential of some of its talented staff members.

The regional organization based in Arusha should also discard laxity in service delivery and instead work through teamwork spirit. 

"Point out solutions, not only problems. Address conflicts and celebrate success", said Andrea Ariik Aguer Malueth, the deputy SG. 

He said time has come for the Community to identify its highly talented staff members so that they can be deployed to the critical areas. 

He implored heads of various units and departments to harmonize the working environment of their staff members.  

Mr. Malueth was speaking during a two-day induction workshop for the newly-recruited staff members of the Community. 

They were subjected to an induction after taking oath following the enactment of the EAC Oaths Bill, 2017.

Oaths of allegiance are administered and taken in accordance with the staff rules and regulations or by practice.

The President of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) Nestory Kayobera said teamwork among leaders and staff could solve many problems in organizations.

"Good faith and respect is indispensable in enhancing staff relations and improving performance at the workplace," he pointed out.

The Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) Joseph Ntakirutimana, said that cooperation among the EAC organs and institutions was critical "in moving the integration process forward."

EAC currently has close to 400 employees working with its three organs based in Arusha and institutions scattered across the region. 

More than a half of them are employed at the secretariat, an executive arm of the Community, and is headed by the secretary general.

Four of the EAC institutions are located in Uganda and one each in Kenya(Kisumu), Zanzibar, Kigali (Rwanda), Bujumbura (Burundi) and Arusha.
The secretariat is responsible for the general administration and financial management of the Community as well as preparing the Bills to Eala.

It is also mandated to mobilize funds from the development partners and other sources of the development of projects within the EAC.

The two current deputy secretaries general Andrea Ariik Aguer Malueth (Infrastructure, Productive, Social and Political Sectors) and Ms Annette Ssemuwemba (Customs, Trade and Monetary Affairs) were among those recruited this year.

The secretary general Peter Mathuki reminded the EAC staff members to share the challenges they are facing so that they can be tackled.


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