Nick Reynolds alias Bongozozo is here again; this time around focused on the southerntourism circuit.

Early this week, he embarked on a two week promotional tour of the circuit which is now high on tourism's marketing agenda.

Promotion of the circuit falls within the World Bank-supported  $150million project aimed to tap the rich tourism resources in that part of the country.

"The trip will enable him to get deeper insight of the pristine game sanctuaries in the circuit", said Gladstone Mlay, the marketing director of Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB).

In undertaking the promotion, various platforms will be used. These include the mainstream media, artists, the celebrities and sports, he said.

Also roped in are bloggers, the digital and social media, travel exhibitions and learning tours and Goodwill Ambassadors like Mr. Reynolds (Bongozozo).

Dr. Mlay went on; "Exposure to the rich heritage sites will ease Mr. Reynolds promotion of the tourist attractions found in the circuit".

The 14-day trip will take him to, among other areas, the Ruaha, Udzungwa and Nyerere national parks as well as Mpanga-Kipengere Game Reserve.

Upon his appointment as Goodwill Tourism Ambassador  Mr. Reynold was tasked to use all possible channels to sell Tanzania as a leading destination for tourists.

Mr. Reynolds said as his trip was flagged off that he would use his exposure to promote the country's attractive sites for the visitors, some of which are world acclaimed.

The social media influencer  pledged before the senior government and tourism sector bodies officials to do everything in his power to promote the country’s tourist attractions.

His wide and well connected network of bloggers can reach out to over 100 million viewers across the world,  The Citizen was told.

The minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Mohamed Mchengerwa said the southern tourism circuit now tops the government's priorities in tourism promotion.

The effort is part of the  Resilient Natural Resources Management for Tourism and Growth Project (REGROW) initiated in 2017.

It is also part of Tanzania's Southern Circuit  Marketing and Promotion Strategy 2021-2026) which was launched in September 2022 in the Njombe region.

The minister said there was no reason why Tanzania should not continue to attract millions of visitors from across the globe given its first class attractions.

He cited the annual wildebeest migration in the Serengeti National Park as among the most inspiring for both the foreign and local visitors.

Unforgettable travel experiences in the country also include walking safari in the Ruaha National Park and a visit to Mafia Island, the habitat of unique fish species.

Mr. Mchengerwa said there was no contention that Tanzania is ahead of many countries in Africa and the world for its unique tourist attractions.

He challenged TTB, a state-owned tourism marketing agency, to embark on aggressive marketing in order to raise the country's stakes in the sector.

He also called on the board to scout for more potential personalities across the world who would join Mr. Reynold as Goodwill Ambassadors of Tourism for Tanzania.

The promotion of the southern tourist circuit is also aimed to diversify tourism sites and reduce concentration in the northern circuit.



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