Woman Escapes Brutal Assault, Forced Marriage in Ngorongoro, Arusha

A resident of Misigiyo village in the Ngorongoro District of Arusha, Veronica Makutiani (29), narrowly avoided a gruesome murder at the hands of her biological father and brother. 

They had collaborated in subjecting her to severe physical violence, forcing her to return to her abusive husband, Lesineti Koromo, who had previously mistreated her and her two children, leaving them in a state of hunger and deprivation.

Recalling the harrowing incident with a heavy heart and tear-filled eyes, Veronica revealed that on October 6 of this year, her biological father, Lekerenga Makutiani, and her brother, Lingato Lekerenga, who is the driver for an Ngorongoro Member of Parliament, attacked her with blunt objects, causing her to lose consciousness. They coerced her into returning to her estranged husband's home.

She explained that she had fled her matrimonial home due to the constant abuse she endured there, including physical violence, starvation, and neglect, all because she was deemed unattractive to her husband after giving birth.

Veronica further described her marriage to her husband, which began in 2017. Over the course of their union, she endured severe hardships, frequently suffering physical abuse and facing food deprivation, along with the neglect of her husband's duty to provide for their family.

Recently, her husband abandoned her and their two children, leaving them without any food or support. This dire situation led her to flee to her parents' home for refuge.

"After reaching my parents' home, weak and emaciated, I narrated my terrible ordeal and the suffering I had endured to my family. I declared that I no longer wanted to be with my husband, who had caused me so much pain. However, my father and brother refused to listen and demanded that I return to him," Veronica explained.

"I refused to leave, telling them the harsh reality of my life and the torment I had been subjected to. I informed them that I wanted nothing to do with that man who had caused me so much suffering. In response, my father and brother threatened to kill me if I didn't leave."

On that fateful day, she chose not to leave and explained the hardships she had endured at her matrimonial home. Her family members, in an attempt to force her compliance, physically assaulted her. Her father was striking her with objects while her brother physically attacked her.

"When they were assaulting me, my mother was crying in pain, but she was powerless to intervene, as women in our culture often have no voice."

Veronica lost consciousness, battered and bleeding, and was left outside her home during the night. Her mother later retrieved her, providing traditional Maasai healing remedies. She spent days in a weakened state, still with no change in her situation.

After three days, good Samaritans found her and took her to a local clinic for medical treatment. She had been unable to regain consciousness. Subsequently, she was handed over to the village executive officer for assistance.

Samuel Panga, the acting medical officer at the clinic, confirmed receiving Veronica. She had been severely injured with head injuries, bruised ribs, and bleeding from her genitals. She had also suffered a miscarriage.

"After providing her with initial medical care, we realized the severity of her injuries, so we administered three bags of intravenous fluids to stabilize her. We then referred her to the local ward executive officer for further assistance," Dr. Panga stated.

The village executive officer, Onesmo Munga, learned of the situation and made arrangements to transport Veronica to Arusha for better care and protection, as there was a risk to her life. She was subsequently placed under the care of Rose Njilo, a coordinator at the Mimutie Women Organization in Arusha, who offered her refuge.

Rose Njilo explained that their organization is committed to advocating for women's rights and will ensure that justice is served. She expressed her intention to assist Veronica and initiate legal proceedings against the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

Despite being a victim of such severe domestic violence, Veronica expressed gratitude for her safety and the support she has received from well-wishers. She has called on the Tanzanian government and relevant authorities to help her regain custody of her children and seek justice for her ordeal.

The Katibu of the Member of Parliament for Ngorongoro, Lingato Lekerenga, acknowledged his role in physically assaulting his sister but claimed it was a customary punishment for her disobedience. He now states his willingness to apologize to Veronica and wishes for her to return to her husband for the sake of her children.

Efforts to reach the Arusha Regional Police Commander, Justine Masejo, for comments on this incident have been unsuccessful. However, the District Commissioner of Ngorongoro, Raymond Mangwala, indicated he was unaware of the situation and was still conducting inquiries into the matter. He did express a commitment to ensuring that the culprits would be prosecuted accordingly


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