Monday, September 16, 2024

Ministry of Minerals Breaks Record in Revenue Collection


Tanzania’s Ministry of Minerals has achieved a significant milestone by collecting TZS 196 billion in just two months, surpassing the total revenue collected in the entire fiscal year 2015/2016, which was TZS 161 billion.


On September 15, 2024, Minister of Minerals, Anthony Mavunde, commended regional mineral officers for their outstanding performance in revenue collection. 

During a meeting with the Minerals Commission’s management, including directors, managers, and regional mineral officers, Mavunde emphasized the importance of this achievement.

“I want to congratulate you all for the remarkable collection of TZS 196 billion from July to now,” Mavunde stated. “This amount exceeds the total revenue collected in the entire fiscal year 2015/2016.”

Mavunde attributed the success to recent improvements in mining laws and regulations, which have significantly increased efficiency in revenue collection. These improvements have helped to curb smuggling and reduce revenue loss.

“We have seen tremendous progress due to enhanced laws and regulatory frameworks,” he added. “The focus on innovative revenue collection and strict enforcement against smuggling is paying off.”

The Minister also directed regional mineral officers to ensure strict adherence to mining laws and regulations. He emphasized that any violations should be dealt with decisively and legally. Additionally, Mavunde issued five key directives to the officers:

Swift Resolution of Disputes:Resolve mining disputes promptly, focusing on justice and efficiency rather than waiting for higher-level interventions.

Enhanced Smuggling Controls: Strengthen measures to combat mineral smuggling by working closely with security forces and task forces.

Revenue Leakage Prevention: Address and prevent any potential revenue loss by implementing robust monitoring systems.

Support for Small-Scale Miners: Collaborate with regional offices to mentor and develop small-scale miners, ensuring they are well-integrated into the sector.

Improved Cooperation: Foster better cooperation between mining officers and other sector stakeholders to enhance overall sector management.

Deputy Minister Dr. Steven Kiruswa praised Mavunde’s approach, noting that his inclusive vision has positively impacted the sector’s economic contribution. 

“Thanks to the Minister’s strategic vision, the mining sector’s contribution to the national GDP is expected to reach 10% by 2025,” Kiruswa remarked.

Permanent Secretary Eng. Yahya Samamba reaffirmed the Ministry’s commitment to implementing the new directives. “We are dedicated to ensuring that all guidelines are followed to maximize benefits from our mineral resources,” Samamba said.

Dr. Batilda Buriani, the Governor of Tanga Region, also recognized the mining sector's crucial role in local revenue generation. 

She urged investors to consider opportunities in Tanga, which is rich in mineral deposits. “We invite investors to explore Tanga’s mineral potential, and we also seek increased support for small-scale miners and women involved in the sector,” Buriani concluded.

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